How to Network Your Way to Your Dream Job



A word that brings a chill to even the most outgoing of people.

Unfortunately, the word has taken on a certain amount of negative connotation over the years. Many people are left wondering if something might be wrong with them if, at the least extreme, they find it exhausting — or, at the upper extreme, they’re downright terrified at the thought of walking into a room full of strangers.

If this is you, don’t worry.

We’re going to talk about how to naturally connect and relate to people who might be able to help you — without having to schmooze and sell yourself.


The Truth About Networking

The reality is, we’re connecting with people all the time, whether it’s in the workplace, at the bar or at get-togethers. Every time you write an email, send a text message or pick up the phone, you’re doing it. Heck, even meeting our friends for coffee is a form of networking.

So networking isn’t something that needs to be particularly taxing.

But it is something you can learn to do more effectively so that it’s a more productive experience for the other person and for your career.


Six Degrees of Separation

You’ll have heard of the concept that in social networks, each person is connected to every other person by a maximum of six degrees of separation. That means you’re only an average of six handshakes away from anyone in the world.

Pretty mind-blowing, eh?

What this means for you in your career is that you’re probably only two or three connections away from meeting that person who can help you get into the company or role you really want to be in.

So, now all you have to do is develop the skill of shaking the right hands and making yourself easy to be referred and recommended.


How to Land that Dream Job

Here are the main things you need to consider if you’re going to network your way into that dream job:


1. Connect with People

Get into the habit of meeting people. Be nice. Be likable. Be thoughtful.


2. Connect with the Right People

Be smart. If you want to move into the law sector, connect with and hang out with people already there. Find out where they hang out. Go to presentations they’re likely to be at. Start putting yourself in those environments, and you’ll find in no time you’ll have a few connections in that area.


3. Follow Up

Networking doesn’t stop at making a connection. That’s just the beginning. You then need to stay connected, by communicating and perhaps meeting up at other events, for after-work drinks or for coffee catch-ups. Nurture, nurture, nurture.


4. Live a Full Life

Once you’re connected with people, you want to be the kind of person they want to be around. Living a rich, full life is very attractive. Do things. Explore. Be interesting. Have things to share with people other than your opinion on the latest episode of Mad Men.


5. Share Activities

Shared activities is an easy way to stay in touch with folks you’re on the same wavelength as. There’s a reason why deals are done on the golf course. You don’t have to take up golf, but start getting out and doing things with the kinds of people you’ve decided you want to networking with.


6. Proximity Wins

It’s easier to build relationships with people you’re around all the time. If you’re in the same area of town, or you work in the same building, it’s much easier. It’s not unheard of for people to move to the town where they want to get a job, before they get the job.

If you want to progress within an organization, it’s even easier to do. Show up to presentations and lunchtime events. Give presentations. Organize events and group activities — you become the connector, the person everyone else wants to network with.


Are You Committed?

Building a network takes time. You have to tap into your existing network and nurture it. You need to actively connect with people. You need to be bold and reach out and say “hi” to people you haven’t been in touch with for a while…

But the rewards are amazing.

Not only are these relationships fulfilling and fun, but if you manage them correctly and keep getting out there, they can be your bridge to the career you really want.

Are you ready to network your way to your dream job?


Image: Photobucket

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