How to Prepare Your References to Secure a Job Search Win

Interview, Job Search, Resume and LinkedIn

References are an expected part of the hiring process. A job applicant should be prepared to provide references when requested. Usually it’s a good sign that you’ve advanced in the process if you’re at the point where they’re checking your references.

But just having references isn’t enough. There are a few key considerations when preparing your references to ensure they support your success:


Identifying Your References

Identify people who can attest to your skills and capabilities on the job. You should expect to provide at least three references. Employers don’t want to talk to family members or your best friend!

Ideally you’ll have at least one former manager. It’s common to not want your current manager to know you’re looking for a new job, so think about former managers at other companies, a manager from the current company who may have moved on, etc.

Think about references in terms of the job requirements. If the job requires you to manage others, include someone you managed. If the job requires significant cross-functional collaboration, include a colleague you worked with on a cross-functional initiative.

Make sure your list of references includes names, titles, companies and email and telephone contact information. (Be sure to confirm the contact information.) Include a note about context — maybe the person now works at company Y but was your manager at company X. If they’re someone you managed, be sure to note that. Give the person calling your references enough context to ensure success.

Be prepared with your references so you’re able to respond quickly when asked to provide them.


Preparing Your References

Contact your references in advance. Let them know you’re job seeking and ask their permission to use them as a reference. Verify their contact information.

As you feel you’re getting close on a position, let your references know. Tell them about the position, the company and the specific skills you want them to emphasize.

The more you prepare them, the more helpful they can be. (Tweet this thought.)


Anticipating Informal Reference Checking

Most hiring managers realize applicants will only share references who will say good things. Therefore, many hiring managers will reach out to informal references. Who do they know at the company? Who do they know on LinkedIn who knows people at the company or who knows you?

Because you did not hand-select these references, the hiring managers tend to trust their responses.

I once interviewed for a job with a manager whose husband worked at a previous employer of mine. I heard from several former colleagues that he had reached out to the entire department at that company seeking feedback. I did get the job, but they collected more than a dozen testimonials from informal references prior to making the decision.


Reference Logistics

Most hiring managers prefer to speak with references on the phone. They may use email to schedule the call, but a conversation is the best option. People are inclined to share more in a conversation than they would put in writing. It also gives the hiring manager the opportunity to ask follow-up questions.

If you’ve made it to this stage of the process, the hiring manager is impressed and is seriously considering making you an offer to join them. They’re looking to your references to confirm your past work history as well as their impressions during the interview process. Taking the time to prepare your references and verify their contact information makes the process move more quickly and smoothly. It also demonstrates your professionalism.

What are some of your best practices for preparing references? Share in the comments!

This post originally appeared at the Get To Work blog.

Image: Photobucket

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