Why Salary Isn’t the Most Important Thing

Career Management

Salary Isn't ImportantThink of your least favorite task in the universe, ever.

Now, how much would I have to pay you to get you to do that one task over and over again, all day long — not for one day, but for the rest of your working life?

And how long would that lavish salary keep you motivated? I’m betting after a few days of depressing work at a task you hate, no amount of money could stop you dreaming of a better job. You’d probably be prepared to take a pay cut just to get out of there.

I rest my case. Salary is not the most important thing.

So, we can just end this post here, right?

 Or do you want to know what matters more than a life of “meh” in exchange for money you’re too miserable to enjoy any more?

To read more, click here

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